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Devotional: Make One Step: Matthew 14:22-33

“And He said, ‘Come!’ And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus” (Matt. 14:29, NASB).

As a child and even in my adult life my mother often encourages me to reach for things in life that seem too difficult to obtain. She says, “You make one step, the Lord will make two.” This is my mother’s way of telling me that even though I do not have everything that I need to be successful if I make one step the Lord will make two. I get the general idea, but later in life after reading this story in the bible I have a greater understanding and appreciation of what my mother is saying to me.

In the story, Jesus feeds five thousand men and in addition women and children are included also. The people are fed and Jesus commands the disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side of the sea. Jesus goes up on the mountain to pray. In the fourth watch of the night the boat is being battered by the winds. They see Jesus walking on the sea. They are terrified because they believe that they are seeing a ghost/spirit. Jesus speaks to them identifying Him to encourage them. Peter asks Jesus to allow him to walk on the water also and meet Him. Jesus gives Peter permission and Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk toward Jesus. Peter is walking on the water, but he is distracted by the wind. Peter begins to sink, but Jesus saves him and takes him to the boat.

This story gives me insight that my mother never said to me. “You take one step, the Lord will make two. You see when we make that one step we need to be making that step toward Jesus. We make that one step because we believe that Jesus is calling us to get out of the boat. We leave our comfort zone. Even though we have faith in Jesus the winds of life have a way of distracting us. Life situations often cause us to fear for our safety. We begin to sink.

We are not destroyed because of the circumstances in our life. We have made that first step. My mother did not tell me what the text tells me. I cannot make a step in any direction that I choose. My one step must be towards Jesus as He bids me to come. I do not sink because for every one step that I take toward Jesus, He is taking two steps towards me. Jesus knows that my faith will fail me. Jesus knows that I need to be saved. Just when it seems that I will drown in the sea, Jesus is there to take hold of me and take me to the safety of the boat. I discover that the wind is calmed down. I join other disciples and we worship Jesus.

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for saving me when I doubt and I am frightened. Amen.

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